This is a high end open hardware ESP32 development kit developed by Ján Adamec from Slovakia, very similiar to Discovery kit from STMicroelectronics, wich facilitates your development because has a lot resources, helps to prove conceptions, speeds up your time to market and in this article we are going to show its features and share technical informations and schematics.
As Ján said in his post in LinkedIn, he needed to develop as soon as possible, a hardware solution using ESP32 from Espressif and he said this hardware was inspired by Arduino, but this is very similiar to Discovery kits as we mentioned before. Any way, a great hardware got a life from a necessity and Ján had a good will to share with us.
Next, we are going to explore the features and hardware.
ESP32 development kit features
Let’s list whole hardware features offered by this hardware:
- Battery connector, an option to power supply this board enabling an IoT solution;
- A step-down circuit MP2359 that can be feeded from 4.5V up to 24VDC;
- A micro USB connector to feed and communicate to ESP32;
- 4 LEDs: 1 for battery voltage, 1 for USB 5V, 1 for 3.3V and 1 for application;
- A tact swith to reset the ESP32;
- Access to all ESP32 pins through pins bars;
- Dimenisions 9 x 7 cm.
Next, we can how this board looks like in figure 1:

Schematics and gerber files
If you are interested to know about the electronic schematic, please click in this link shared by Ján.
As mentioned before, if you ared interessed to get gerber files to reproduce this board for your own application, please contact Ján Adamec through LinkedIn profile, he will kindly send all material needed 😉
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